Frequently asked questions.

Aerial Hammock

  • Aerial Hammock is a suspended, looped fabric that allows for tricks, drops, flips and combos. This apparatus resembles silks, but is a bit easier on the muscles.

    1. Promotes more ease in the body by allowing the release of muscle tension

    2. Enhances your practice by allowing you to explore familiar poses in a new way.

    3. Strengthens and tones your body, particularly arms, shoulders, back and core muscles

    4. Creates greater awareness of sensation in the body

    5. Gives the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and experience something new

  • No! But you do need to have a basic level of fitness that will allow you to do things like lift your foot up to the level of the silk (hip height) and enough upper body strength to complete a modified push up (knees down on mat).

  • While our silks are professionally installed and secured and are completely safe to hold thousands of pounds of dynamic weight, we recommend a body weight limit of 200 lbs or less. If you weigh more, this does not mean you cannot practice with us. We do, however, request that you book a private appointment instead!

  • We recommend you avoid aerial yoga classes if you suffer from any of the following conditions: vertigo or other inner ear issues, vasovagal syndrome, sinusitis, recent concussion, brain injury, or stroke, recent Botox injections, glaucoma or other eye pressure problems, high or low blood pressure, history of heart conditions or heart disease, pregnancy beyond the first trimester, or epilepsy.

    Inversions, which are usually performed during aerial classes, can elevate blood pressure, increase intracranial pressure and create mechanical stress, which not all bodies are able to tolerate. You should always check with your doctor before engaging in any type of physical activity, including aerial yoga. Additionally, you should always listen to your body, and avoid or stop any activity that does not feel right for you.

  • We recommend close-fitting, but comfortable, clothing. Tank tops and shorts are discouraged, as the silk can pinch when directly against bare skin. Shirts with sleeves and longer pants or leggings are preferable. We also recommend that everyone coming to class wear socks, preferably with grip to minimize slipping and to keep your silks fresh.

  • Our aerial hammock classes can accommodate up to 10 students.

  • All aerial hammock students should plan to arrive no less than 5 minutes early, so that they can settle in and be at their silk by the start of class. Students who arrive later then 5 minutes will be unable to attend and will forfeit any payment. Late arrivals are treated as late cancellations. This policy is necessary in order to minimize class disruptions and ensure the positive experiences of all of our aerial hammock students.

Other Classes

  • This unique class incorporates specially designed spinning hammocks, adding an exciting twist to traditional aerial practice. Participants experience a harmonious blend of acrobatics and spinning movements, creating a dynamic and engaging workout. Our skilled instructor guides you through a series of choreographed sequences, seamlessly integrating spins and inversions with the fluidity of the spinning hammock. This class caters to various skill levels, offering a captivating way to build strength, improve flexibility, and experience the sheer joy of aerial movement in a spinning dimension.

  • This invigorating class revolves around the yoga wheel—a versatile prop designed to enhance stretches and deepen poses. Throughout the session, participants engage in a series of movements that target various muscle groups, promoting increased flexibility, core strength, and improved balance. Led by our experienced instructor, Wheel Yoga embraces practitioners of all levels, guiding them through a series of poses that utilize the wheel's unique support.

  • During this 2-hour session, participants delve into the world of aerial hammock tricks, enjoying a self-guided exploration of their skills. Unlike structured classes, Open Practice empowers clients to chart their aerial journey independently, fostering creativity and self-discovery. While no new flows are taught during this session, our dedicated instructor is present to provide guidance, answer questions, and ensure a safe and supportive environment for your aerial endeavors.

  • Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds and transformative vibrations of a sound bath while floating in the hammock. When you are cocooned in an aerial hammock, it activates your parasympathetic nervous system which helps relax your body, mind, and soul. Our instructor, Kim, will guide you to unwind and disconnect from the daily stress and tension with the combination of guided meditation, gentle stretches, breathwork, and sound healing . Using instruments, such as crystal singing bowls, chimes,and drums, as she brings you on a rejuvenating self-care healing journey into a state of tranquility and inner peace. If the hammock is not for you, you can also lay on the mats provided.

    • Involve shifting the body's weight onto the arms, hands, and shoulders, thereby defying gravity and cultivating strength, balance, and focus.

    • Practitioner supports themselves primarily with their hands while lifting their feet off the ground, creating a sense of lightness and stability.

    • Inversions, like Headstand (Sirsasana) or Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana), involve fully or partially inverting the body, with the hips positioned above the heart and head.

    • Not only offer physical benefits, such as building upper body strength and improving circulation, but also promote mental clarity, confidence, and a deeper connection to one's inner strength and balance.

    • Can become empowering expressions of both physical prowess and inner harmony in the yoga journey.

 Bookings & Cancellations

  • All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please review the specific cancellation windows for different bookings:


    – Late arrivals are treated as late cancellations—we lock our doors at the start time of class.


    – Cancellation more than 12 hours before the appointment allows rescheduling or account credit.

    – Cancellation within 12 hours is non-refundable.

    Workshops & Events:

    – Cancellation more than 48 hours prior allows account credit.

    – Cancellation within 48 hours is non-refundable.

    Private Parties:

    – Cancellation more than 1 week before offers full account credit and rescheduling.

    – Cancellation within 1 week forfeits $75 deposit; remaining balance credited for rescheduling.

    – Cancellation within 24 hours is non-refundable.


    If you are sick with any type or severity of symptom, please do not come into the studio and call or email us to let us know you are unable to make your reservation.

  • Due to limited amount of spots for each class, we strongly recommend preregistration for all aerial hammock classes through our website. You can reserve your spot up to one month in advance.

  • All the packages are for individual use only and cannot be shared. It is non-transferrable, non-refundable and does not apply to special events or workshops.

  • If you are unable to utilize your remaining classes prior to your expiration date, don’t worry! You can purchase another class pack, and we will roll over any unused classes onto your new pack with the new expiration date.